Hope Over Heroin

Hope Over Heroin was birthed in 2014 after we began to see the largest wave of Overdoses our country had experienced in the previous 30+ years.  An abundance of Heroin, Oxycotin, Fentanyl and other Opiates, as well as Cocaine and Meth had begun taking our region and a generation even further under its power.  

Hope Over Heroin

Our Team, which has spent a large part of last two decades working within the realm of Recovery Ministries, found that the Spirit of Addiction, and more importantly individual Addicts, became our collective Heartbreak and Mission– to proclaim and provide recovery and redemption. We agreed that it was time and season for The Holy Spirit to Break chains and change the narrative that the enemy has always wanted for our country and world.  

As our Pastor and Board Member Cleddie Keith says, “…The Tide of History can be forever altered and changed by a few, or even just one”.    We have taken that to Heart every day since.  Pastor Lawrence Bishop II and Pastor Billy Price partnered to form an incredible team of Technicians and Workers that all had a simple goal– to take Jesus to the streets like we have never seen, and to never be content with doing church as usual.  A Generation of Addicts, who may never come to a regular Sunday Church service while battling addiction, have been able to find a place of refuge, connected again to the Power of the Holy Spirit, right where they lived, used, and battled to stay alive.  It quickly has become a national collaborative ministry, founded and led by Pastors, and has since taken us all across the country, as far west as Montana and as far east as Metro D.C.

It has been supernaturally fueled by the Holy Spirit! We humbly understand that we could have never accomplished even a part of this huge vision, without the Miracles of God!  These weekend long events are filled with Live Music, Free Food, Stories of Transformation, Video and Multi Media presentations, all aimed at providing a Spectacle, in order to connect people who need help the most, with the specific resources and care they are seeking.  We are committed to a message of Hope, Salvation and Freedom to All those affected by addiction!

Over 100,000 in Attendance, over 5,000 Salvations and 1,800 Baptisms since 2014.

The process begins weeks, and even months ahead of the Main Stage Event.

An army of compassionate servant leaders begin to pray, plan and reach out to a city/community through strategic Kindness Outreaches prior to the event, and that outflow helps to propel momentum–street ministry feeds the hungry, shares the gospel and becomes a witness to the spirit of God in real operation!  During our weekend events, we then compile a group of local, regional and national faith based, as well as Clinical care to join our City of Resources—these ministries and facilities offer immediate Detox, Recovery Programs, Outpatient and Residential Treatment, small groups, Therapy, as well as Educational, Awareness, and Redemption Services of all types.

Most importantly though– the Great Commission of Jesus is realized not just with Initial Salvations and Baptisms, but by providing critical care and connection that provides practical help for new, overcoming Christians to become real Disciples—Living, Walking Out, and Overcoming their addiction and their pasts, by the Power of Jesus.  It truly has changed our churches by placing ‘Bystander Christians’ outside their comfort zones and on the front line of the Battles that others are trying so hard to overcome.

Your Involvement and support are critically needed. Please consider partnering with us!
HopeOverHeroin.com | 844-HOPE-777

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5190 Glencrossing



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