The Basics

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The Basics

Since 1969, from humble beginnings and with faithful friends, our church ministry became established, with Jesus as the center of it all. He still is.

In 2003, we re-fueled and re-energized our core group of leaders with a new name, City on a HillIn 2010, a new location.and now, nearly 50 years from our beginning, we can describe this growing, diverse, multi-cultured, vibrant, church to be a Spirit-Filled, Spirit-Led, ultra-passionate place of worship; where a generation of Jesus’ followers are being connected and discipled to become Leaders who Pray, Serve and Give!

Our music is loud. And sometimes our ministers are too. The songs we sing can last awhile. Our lights are low, the space is tight. and it can feel a bit cramped, especially on Sundays. We love tradition. But we aren’t very traditional. We are genuinely enthused about modern things – design, technology, music, innovations – but we also aren’t comfortable trying to compete with the latest thing. Although we don’t feel like we always fit in, we do know we need other churches and ministries to accomplish what God is asking of us–we want to link arms and pray that churches and ministries all around us are blessed, thriving and in the process of making disciples.

As to how we do things: to outside observers, we probably have some obvious flaws. The truth is, we could manage things better. But we are trying really hard. We don’t have it all figured out. We’re still labeled as ‘Radical’ by some. We’re sometimes ridiculed. Often criticized and admittedly, we are not the church for Everyone.  But Jesus is the answer for Everyone.

The Spirit of God is so thick here….of course, it’s not because of us. Instead, we believe His presence is here (Hope is Here) because of the deep need we have for Him.  We look at ourselves, so flawed and broken, yet we realize we are also incredibly blessed.

We’re real-life people with regular jobs, long-houred careers, personal struggles, and sometimes dysfunctional families.  We’re surrounded by our kids, friends and loved ones–often full of complex problems, broken places, addictions, worries and questions–people just like you and I.

All of us on this journey, feeling like visitors here on planet earth, and we know it’s only for a very short time. We are inviting you to be a part of the desire and the seeking of a fresh wave of The Holy Spirit– driven purposely ahead and moved with compassion toward others in this community, city and region.

And while we still wonder sometimes what to do next, questioning how to solve the issues and concerns we have every day, City on a Hill has become a gathering place for hungry and thirsty people, desperate for Jesus to show up and meet us, right where we are.

We do know that we are moving forward a little bit more each day, getting better at loving people, so they can Live fully in Christ.  We could sure use your help!

Show up. Come to the Table. Get Involved!


Harp & Bowl Prayer—it is fervent intercession, worship, the Word, modern music—all converging in an atmosphere of powerful grace and truth.  Through this design of prayer and worship, we are discovering how to live out the Kingdom of God together for our region, and firmly believe we have a mandate to raise up emerging leaders, to make disciples, connect other Kingdom ministries, extend ourselves through kindness and compassion to the broken, provide healing to the hurting and a safe place for the remnant–those who are hearing the voice of God for the very first time, or perhaps it is the clearest you have heard Him in a very long time.  

Our Mission continues…

to Declare JESUS and His Kingdom.


We believe there is an intuitive, kingdom desire in EVERYONE to SERVE with compassion and excellence! At City on a Hill, this mindset has become part of the fabric that empowers us to not live as leaders who serve, but rather Servants who lead!

A great blessing is helping and watching people thrive in the Kingdom as they are led and begin to lead as servant hearts, pastoral care leaders, and behind-the-scenes movers and shakers who Serve as their life work! Be a willing participant not just a supportive bystander–and watch how you can help shape our culture! Investing your life into one or more roles, which match your God given anointing, places a real purpose and responsibility into your heart & mind that has the power to transform you like nothing else can!

We encourage you to get involved in one or several areasHarp & Bowl Prayer | Harvest House Food Ministry | Kid’s Church & Nursery, Children’s Ministries | Video/Audio Production | Lighting Technician | Praise/Worship Musicians | Worship Dancers | iPray Community | Small Groups | Celebrate Recovery | Heritage House | Hope Over Heroin | NEW Campus Build Out (Glencrossing Way) | Kindness Outreach Events | Maintenance & Mechanical | Security


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People unfamiliar with a ministry are naturally apprehensive when asked to sacrifice what they believe they have worked so hard to earn. Those who have yet to find an authentic, integrity-filled experience of the Kingdom of God, can usually point to examples when their hopes and expectations of what a ‘Jesus environment’ should be, has fallen short. For that type of reasoning, many decide they will hold onto their resources and seemingly cannot or will not generously give.

We ask you to Be Challenged by this fundamental of Giving…. Verify and see REAL lives changed because of your giving, feel the manifest presence of God authentically because of selfless folks giving consistently, see miracles taking place every week in the lives of the addicted, the broken and marginalized by our society, because people have risen to the challenge to give in an extravagant way.  By Faith, we are asking you to Explore the joy and blessings in your Sowing and Reaping.

City on a Hill is committed to changing the very culture of a community and introducing practical ways toward life change through Jesus—Your Giving Helps us do that with excellence!

Although we welcome opportunities for additional sowing into national and even international Kingdom ministries, our leadership has a responsibility to teach and encourage the kind of giving that expresses where your heart is relationally and locally.

Giving in this manner often becomes the final piece of demonstrating that you are with us in relationship, that you are confident in investing in our unique kingdom family, and you are determined to have your own skin in the game!

This type of giving lets us know– I’M ALL IN!

We are discovering new ways to make a difference every day. Help City on a Hill CONTINUE to shine brightly. Thank you for Giving.

To give securely and with confidence Click PAYPAL.

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